Michigan English Test

Michigan English Test
Michigan English Test
Michigan Language Assessment EduCan is the authorised test centre for MET with higher acceptance rate worldwide. MET has a series of levels i.e. from beginner to advanced (A1-Beginer, A2-High Beginner, B1-Intermediate, B2-High Intermediate, C1-Advanced, and C2-Proficient). MET results are aligned with the common European framework of reference. The Michigan English Test (MET) from Michigan Language Assessment is a trusted English language assessment for international students for college admissions, scholarship applications, graduation requirements, pathway programs, health care professionals and occupational visas to work in the United States of America and more. MET is available as a two or four-skill exam. The two score assesses only listening and reading while 4 skill assesses writing, listening, reading, and speaking. Since this is a computer-based exam, so, anyone can take this exam on any day of the year from anywhere in the world. Results are published within 5 days.