International Books & Resources

International Books & Resources
International Study Materials
To achieve optimum learning outcomes, it is extremely important to have access to the right materials and resources.
Why EduCan ?
- The most authentic original books supplier in Bangladesh
- Import books directly from international publishers
- Organise teacher training/workshop in collaboration with publishers
- Help schools in preparing most appropriate booklist
- Provide original books within affordable cost
- Pre and post adoption services
- Committed to meet the deadline
Book List for O-level and A-level (for online book store)
Upper Secondary 14 to 16 years (O Level Book List):
Please click on the below subjects to view the full list
- Cambridge IGCSE™ First Language English
- Cambridge O Level English Language
- Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Literature in English
- Songs of Ourselves
- Stories of Ourselves
- Cambridge Literature• Cambridge School Chaucer
- Cambridge School Shakespeare
- Cambridge School Anthologies
- Developing Summary and Note-taking Skills
- Recycling Advanced English
- Cambridge IGCSE™ English as a Second Language
- Success International English Skills for IGCSE™
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Exam Preparation and Practice
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Practice Tests
- Developing Summary and Note-taking Skills
- Recycling Your English
- Selections
- Cambridge Breakthrough to CLIL Biology
- Cambridge Breakthrough to CLIL Chemistry
- Cambridge Breakthrough to CLIL Physics
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Biology
- Cambridge Breakthrough to CLIL Biology
- Cambridge Breakthrough to CLIL Chemistry
- Cambridge Breakthrough to CLIL Physics
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Biology
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Chemistry
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics
- Cambridge O Level Physics
- Cambridge O Level Biology
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Physical Science
- Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Environmental Management
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics
- Cambridge O Level Mathematics
- Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Additional Mathematics
- Cambridge O Level Statistics
CT/ Computer Science
- Cambridge IGCSE™ ICT
- Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level
- Computer Science
Business and Economics
- Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Accounting
- Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Business Studies
- Cambridge O Level Commerce
- Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Economics
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Enterprise
- Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Geography
- Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Global Perspectives
- Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level History
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Sociology
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Travel and Tourism
- University of Cambridge School Classics Project
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Bahasa Indonesia
- Cambridge IGCSE™ French as a Foreign Language
- Mandarin for Cambridge IGCSE™
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Chinese as a First Language
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Chinese as a Second Language
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Spanish as a Foreign Language
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Spanish as a First Language
- Cambridge IGCSE™ Arabic as a First Language
- Cambridge O Level Urdu as a Second Language
Book List for O-level and A-level (for online book store)
Advanced 16 to 19 years (A level Book List):
Please click on the below subjects to view the full list
- Songs of Ourselves
- Stories of Ourselves
- Steps to Academic Writing
- Cambridge International AS & A Level English Language
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Literature in English
- Cambridge International AS Level English General Paper
- Cambridge Topics in English Language
- English Language and Literature for the IB Diploma
- English Literature for the IB Diploma
- Cambridge Contexts in Literature
- Cambridge Literature
- Cambridge School Anthologies
- Cambridge School Chaucer
- Selected Tales from Chaucer
- Cambridge School Shakespeare
- English B for the IB Diploma
- Recycling Advanced English
- Steps to Academic Writing
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Marine Science
- Environmental Systems and
- Societies for the IB Diploma
- Cambridge Pre-U Physics
- Cambridge Pre-U Biology
- Cambridge Pre-U Chemistry
- Biology for the IB Diploma
- Physics for the IB Diploma
- Chemistry for the IB Diploma
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Psychology
- Psychology for the IB Diploma
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics
- Cambridge Pre-U Mathematics
- Mathematics Studies for the IB Diploma
- Mathematics Standard and Higher Level for the IB Diploma
- Mathematics Higher Level for the IB Diploma: Option Topics
CT/ Computer Science
- Cambridge International AS & A Level IT
- Cambridge International AS & A
- Level Computer Science
Business and Economics
- Cambridge International AS and A Level Accounting
- Cambridge International AS and A Level Business
- Business Management for the IB Diploma
- Cambridge International AS and A Level Economics
- Economics for the IB Diploma
- Environmental Systems and Societies for the IB Diploma
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research
- Cambridge International AS Level History
- History for the IB Diploma Papers 1, 2 and 3
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Sociology
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Travel and Tourism
- IB Theory of Knowledge
- Decoding Theory of Knowledge
- Cambridge International AS & A Level Thinking Skills
- Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)for the IB Diploma
- Panorama francophone 1 & 2 for IB French Ab Initio
- Le monde en français for IB French B
- Panorama hispanohablante 1 & 2 for IB Spanish Ab Initio
- Mañana for IB Spanish B
- Deutsch im Einsatz for IB German B
- Structuring Drama Work
- Visual Arts for the IB Diploma
- Approaches to learning and teaching series
- The Cambridge Teacher series
- The Cambridge Education Research series
- Introducing the IB Diploma
- Teaching Probability
- Mathematical Thinking
- Teaching Shakespeare