About us

About us
About EduCan International
EduCan International is a very special educational organisation with offices in the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Bangladesh. It was established in 2016 by a group of international education professionals from different parts of the world and is a registered company in the UK and Bangladesh. But that tells you only a few essentials. It does not explain why we are so different, so reliable, so right for you!
The objective of EduCan is “creating opportunities and changing lives”. You may have heard that before but at EduCan, we really do offer you something you can get nowhere else. We give you our word that you can put your future in our hands and we will not let you down. We give deserving and aspiring learners from across the world access to high quality international education and training, suited very much to your needs!
EduCan International can also suggest partner universities and schools with which you can team up, offering attractive 2 + 1 and 2 + 2 year-courses, where students can study at home and overseas to get their qualifications, so reducing costs but still gaining from international standards and exposure. EduCan has a surprising range of partner institutions which are crying out for reputable and efficient partner institutions at home. Talk to us and we will tell you more about taking advantage of international collaboration – and, so, improve your reputation and appeal!
But “creating opportunities and changing lives” does not only apply to undergraduates and those applying for Master’s degrees and Ph.D.s, it is about many more stakeholders with other demands in the diverse field of education. EduCan was not established only to serve university students. We also offer outstanding consultancy and training services to a wide range of stakeholders.
EduCan’s training courses have already got a fine reputation among schools and universities determined to offer the best learning opportunities to their students by equipping their teachers and faculty with the appropriate skills – both methodological and technical – that will set your institution apart from its competitors. We have off-the-shelf courses, delivered by industry leaders with a wealth of international experience who really know and care about education. But we also know that so much of what teachers and faculty learn on training courses never actually affects how they deliver their own courses. We, therefore, provide follow-up services so that we can monitor how your teams are implementing new ideas and practices with your students.
EduCan is committed to provide highest level of services to its customers, clients, partners and associates. We are specialised on the following areas:
✔ Student placement into international universities worldwide
✔ Corporate training
✔ Teachers training
✔ Employability training
✔ Consultancy for setting up cross-border educational institutions
✔ Feasibility study for educational institution
✔ Facilitate institutional collaboration
✔ Operations and management consultancy for educational institution
✔ Technical support with the quality assurance of educational institutions
✔ TVET consultancy
✔ Facilitate international study tour and training programmes
✔ Promotion and administration high-stake assessment

Creating opportunities and changing lives

Unlocking access to internationally recognised qualifications and training for aspiring learners.

Trust, Transparency, Accountability, Collaboration, Success.